Use our auto loan calculator to estimate your monthly car loan payments. Enter a car price and adjust other factors as needed to see how changes affect your estimated payment.


Debt name Current Balance Min Payment
$ $ %
$ $ %
$ $ %
Payoff Budget
Remaining Monthly
Total Result:
Total Interest:
Payoff Date:

The Auto Loan Calculator is mainly intended for car purchases within the U.S. People outside the U.S. may still use the calculator, but please adjust accordingly. If only the monthly payment for any auto loan is given, use the Monthly Payments tab (reverse auto loan) to calculate the actual vehicle purchase price and other auto loan information.

How do car loans work?

When you secure a car loan from a financial institution, you borrow the money required to purchase the car and pay it back over time with an annual percentage interest rate.

What’s the term on a car loan?

The car loan term is the length of time that you’ll be paying back the amount of money you borrowed. This typically ranges from 12 to 84 months in 12-month increments.

What’s the interest rate on a car loan?

The car loan interest rate is an annual percentage of the amount of money that you finance. It serves as the price you pay for borrowing money from a financial institution.